Release of sex offender in Shawano

Next week, a convicted sex offender will be released in the Shawano area.

He will reside at 105 East Richmond Street, the New Era House. He will be supervised by the Department of Corrections.

Dwayne Nye, age 57, was convicted of sexually assaulting a child in Shawano County 10 years ago. In 2005 he was convicted of second degree sexual assault of a child. His release date is February 24.

He will remain under extended supervision for 10 years and must remain registered with the Wisconsin State Sex Offender Registry program for life.

Dwayne Ney sex offender being released


Perfect example - The residents of Shawano are now being warned that a convicted sex offender is being released into the area. But, no one notified the Shawano that a convicted sex offender, who is required to register for his lifetime (Darwin Davis), was moving from Antigo to Shawano. They didn't find out until Darwin was arrested again for 2nd degree Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child.

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